Michael Cassidy
Founder & Lead Provider
Michael is one of the most extensively trained and experienced Iboga providers outside of the African continent. After a long journey with other healing modalities, he got the calling from Gabonese shaman, Moughenda Mikala, to initiate his training in 2010. He completed 3 years of hands-on training and apprenticeship under Moughenda, and launched into his own practice in 2013. He has since been focusing exclusively on doing this work full time. He has returned to Gabon upwards of 14 times to continue his learning. Michael has works internationally providing this medicine, and is currently rooted in Mexico where he runs a retreat centre which accommodates both psycho-spiritual healing as well as detox.

Donna Bogar
Nurse / Coordinator + Case Manager
Donna is a Licensed Practical Nurse and has been providing care during retreats for the last 8 years with Michael Cassidy in Canada as well as Mexico. She has extensive experience with Iboga, community nursing, as well as case management and coordination. Donna provides exceptional care and support to our guests, and consulting to other healthcare professionals interested in supporting this work.

Monica Black
Monica was called to Iboga in 2016 during a time of depression, anxiety and feeling blocked in life. The medicine and tradition delivered her the breakthrough she needed in order to get back into the driver's seat and create a life she loves. She started working in a support role for Micahel Cassidy in 2018, and eventually for a Gabonese shaman who later became her teacher. In 2019 Monica travelled to Gabon to receive her Missoko Bwiti Initiation and again in 2022 to train as an Iboga provider. Monica has been working full time in the natural health field for over 15 years, specialising in detox and supporting people with healthy lifestyle change.

Jason Monger
Jason was called to Iboga after making the decision to make dramatic lifestyle changes, including help with addiction recovery. Although other plant medicines had helped him to see the light , Iboga assisted him in making the dramatic changes he needed- and maintaining them- once and for all. In 2022, Jason spent 3 months in Gabon, completing his training to provide this medicine, so that he could share with others the life-changing benefits of Iboga.

Angela Gentilli
Food + Nutrition
Angela takes care of food and nutrition for many of our Canadian sessions. She has an extensive background in restaurant management, as well as conscious food sourcing and cultivation. Her focus lies in nutritionally supporting the unique needs of each individual in attendance, in harmony with the flow of the retreat and the medicine, using locally sourced and organic ingredients where possible. At home, Angela actively participates in growing and cultivating food as part of caring for her family.

Jermaine Fuller
Breathworker + Integration Support
After his own awakening, Jermaine stepped away from his role as a first responder to focus on his own personal and spiritual development, and to help others heal and grow. Jermaine is a trained Elemental Breathwork facilitator and trained Plant Medicine Integration Coach. Iboga and the Bwiti tradition has assisted him significantly on his own path of healing and self discovery. He is now grateful to support others with integrating this powerful medicine.